Forever Evil Reading Order

DC • Story Arc/Event • 95 comics

A major DC event where the Crime Syndicate, evil counterparts of the Justice League from an alternate Earth, takes over the world, leaving the villains of the DC Universe to rise up as unlikely heroes. With the Justice League defeated, the fate of the world hangs in the balance, as alliances shift and the true nature of evil is revealed.

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Reading Order

  1. 1. Action Comics Vol 2 #23.3: Lex Luthor
  2. 2. Forever Evil Vol 1 #1
  3. 3. Aquaman Vol 7 #23.1: Black Manta
  4. 4. Aquaman Vol 7 #23.2: Ocean Master
  5. 5. Batman and Robin Vol 2 #23.1: Two Face
  6. 6. Batman: The Dark Knight Vol 2 #23.1: The Ventriloquist
  7. 7. Detective Comics Vol 2 #23.1: Poison Ivy
  8. 8. The Flash Vol 4 #23.3: The Rogues
  9. 9. Justice League of America Vol 3 #7.1: Deadshot
  10. 10. Superman Vol 3 #23.1: Bizarro
  11. 11. Wonder Woman Vol 4 #23.1: The Cheetah
  12. 12. Trinity of Sin: Pandora Vol 1 #4
  13. 13. Trinity of Sin: Pandora Vol 1 #5
  14. 14. Green Lantern Vol 5 #23.3: Black Hand
  15. 15. Justice League of America Vol 3 #7.2: Killer Frost
  16. 16. Trinity of Sin: The Phantom Stranger Vol 1 #12
  17. 17. Trinity of Sin: The Phantom Stranger Vol 1 #13
  18. 18. Justice League Vol 2 #23.4: Secret Society
  19. 19. Forever Evil Vol 1 #2
  20. 20. Batman Vol 2 #23.2: The Riddler
  21. 21. Detective Comics Vol 2 #23.4: Man-Bat
  22. 22. Batman: The Dark Knight Vol 2 #23.3: Clayface
  23. 23. Batman and Robin Vol 2 #23.2: The Court of Owls
  24. 24. Batman: The Dark Knight Vol 2 #23.2: Mr. Freeze
  25. 25. Detective Comics Vol 2 #23.2: Harley Quinn
  26. 26. Suicide Squad Vol 4 #24
  27. 27. Suicide Squad Vol 4 #25
  28. 28. Suicide Squad Vol 4 #26
  29. 29. The Flash Vol 4 #23.1: Grodd
  30. 30. Forever Evil: Rogues Rebellion Vol 1 #1
  31. 31. Justice League of America Vol 3 #7.4: Black Adam
  32. 32. Justice League Vol 2 #24
  33. 33. Justice League of America Vol 3 #8
  34. 34. Justice League of America Vol 3 #9
  35. 35. Forever Evil: A.R.G.U.S. Vol 1 #1
  36. 36. Forever Evil: A.R.G.U.S. Vol 1 #2
  37. 37. Justice League of America Vol 3 #10
  38. 38. Suicide Squad Vol 4 #27
  39. 39. Suicide Squad Vol 4 #28
  40. 40. Suicide Squad Vol 4 #29
  41. 41. Justice League Dark Vol 1 #24
  42. 42. Justice League Dark Vol 1 #25
  43. 43. Trinity of Sin: The Phantom Stranger Vol 1 #14
  44. 44. Constantine Vol 1 #9
  45. 45. Trinity of Sin: Pandora Vol 1 #6
  46. 46. Justice League Dark Vol 1 #26
  47. 47. Trinity of Sin: The Phantom Stranger Vol 1 #15
  48. 48. Constantine Vol 1 #10
  49. 49. Trinity of Sin: Pandora Vol 1 #7
  50. 50. Justice League Dark Vol 1 #27
  51. 51. Trinity of Sin: The Phantom Stranger Vol 1 #16
  52. 52. Constantine Vol 1 #11
  53. 53. Trinity of Sin: Pandora Vol 1 #8
  54. 54. Justice League Dark Vol 1 #28
  55. 55. Trinity of Sin: The Phantom Stranger Vol 1 #17
  56. 56. Constantine Vol 1 #12
  57. 57. Trinity of Sin: Pandora Vol 1 #9
  58. 58. Justice League Dark Vol 1 #29
  59. 59. Forever Evil Vol 1 #3
  60. 60. Forever Evil: Rogues Rebellion Vol 1 #2
  61. 61. Forever Evil: Rogues Rebellion Vol 1 #3
  62. 62. Forever Evil: Rogues Rebellion Vol 1 #4
  63. 63. Justice League Vol 2 #25
  64. 64. Justice League of America Vol 3 #11
  65. 65. Batman and Robin Vol 2 #23.4: Killer Croc
  66. 66. Batman and Robin Vol 2 #23.3: Ra's al Ghul and the League of Assassins
  67. 67. Batman Vol 2 #23.4: Bane
  68. 68. Detective Comics Vol 2 #23.3: The Scarecrow
  69. 69. Forever Evil: Arkham War Vol 1 #1
  70. 70. Forever Evil Vol 1 #4
  71. 71. Justice League Vol 2 #26
  72. 72. Justice League Vol 2 #27
  73. 73. Justice League Vol 2 #28
  74. 74. Justice League of America Vol 3 #12
  75. 75. Forever Evil: Rogues Rebellion Vol 1 #5
  76. 76. Forever Evil: Rogues Rebellion Vol 1 #6
  77. 77. Forever Evil: A.R.G.U.S. Vol 1 #3
  78. 78. Forever Evil: A.R.G.U.S. Vol 1 #4
  79. 79. Forever Evil Vol 1 #5
  80. 80. Forever Evil: Arkham War Vol 1 #2
  81. 81. Forever Evil: Arkham War Vol 1 #3
  82. 82. Forever Evil: Arkham War Vol 1 #4
  83. 83. Forever Evil: Arkham War Vol 1 #5
  84. 84. Forever Evil: A.R.G.U.S. Vol 1 #5
  85. 85. Forever Evil Vol 1 #6
  86. 86. Justice League of America Vol 3 #13
  87. 87. Forever Evil: A.R.G.U.S. Vol 1 #6
  88. 88. Forever Evil: Arkham War Vol 1 #6
  89. 89. Justice League Vol 2 #29
  90. 90. Forever Evil Vol 1 #7
  91. 91. Justice League of America Vol 3 #14
  92. 92. Justice League Vol 2 #30
  93. 93. Suicide Squad Vol 4 #30
  94. 94. Forever Evil Aftermath: Batman vs. Bane
  95. 95. Nightwing Vol 3 #30