War of Kings Reading Order

Marvel • Story Arc/Event • 54 comics

A cosmic Marvel epic where the Inhumans, led by Black Bolt, and the Shi'ar Empire, led by Vulcan, clash in an intergalactic war that shakes the entire universe, drawing in the X-Men, Guardians of the Galaxy, and other cosmic forces. The conflict redefines alliances and alters the balance of power in the cosmos.

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Reading Order

  1. 1. Guardians of the Galaxy (2008) #7
  2. 2. Guardians of the Galaxy (2008) #8
  3. 3. Guardians of the Galaxy (2008) #9
  4. 4. Guardians of the Galaxy (2008) #10
  5. 5. Guardians of the Galaxy (2008) #11
  6. 6. Guardians of the Galaxy (2008) #12
  7. 7. Secret Invasion: Inhumans (2008) #1
  8. 8. Secret Invasion: Inhumans (2008) #2
  9. 9. Secret Invasion: Inhumans (2008) #3
  10. 10. Secret Invasion: Inhumans (2008) #4
  11. 11. X-Men: Emperor Vulcan (2007) #1
  12. 12. X-Men: Emperor Vulcan (2007) #2
  13. 13. X-Men: Emperor Vulcan (2007) #3
  14. 14. X-Men: Emperor Vulcan (2007) #4
  15. 15. X-Men: Emperor Vulcan (2007) #5
  16. 16. War of Kings Saga (2008) #1
  17. 17. Secret Invasion: War of Kings (2009) #1
  18. 18. X-Men: Kingbreaker (2008) #1
  19. 19. X-Men: Kingbreaker (2008) #2
  20. 20. X-Men: Kingbreaker (2008) #3
  21. 21. X-Men: Kingbreaker (2008) #4
  22. 22. War of Kings: Warriors (2009) #1
  23. 23. War of Kings: Warriors (2009) #2
  24. 24. War of Kings: Darkhawk (2009) #1
  25. 25. War of Kings: Darkhawk (2009) #2
  26. 26. Nova (2007) #22
  27. 27. Nova (2007) #23
  28. 28. War of Kings (2009) #1
  29. 29. Nova (2007) #24
  30. 30. War of Kings (2009) #2
  31. 31. Guardians of the Galaxy (2008) #13
  32. 32. Guardians of the Galaxy (2008) #14
  33. 33. War of Kings (2009) #3
  34. 34. Guardians of the Galaxy (2008) #15
  35. 35. Skaar: Son of Hulk Presents - Savage World of Sakaar (2008) #1
  36. 36. War of Kings: Ascension (2009) #1
  37. 37. War of Kings: Ascension (2009) #2
  38. 38. Nova (2007) #25
  39. 39. Nova (2007) #26
  40. 40. War of Kings (2009) #4
  41. 41. War of Kings: Ascension (2009) #3
  42. 42. War of Kings (2009) #5
  43. 43. War of Kings: Ascension (2009) #4
  44. 44. Guardians of the Galaxy (2008) #16
  45. 45. War of Kings (2009) #6
  46. 46. Guardians of the Galaxy (2008) #17
  47. 47. Nova (2007) #27
  48. 48. Nova (2007) #28
  49. 49. War of Kings: Who Will Rule? One-Shot (2009) #1
  50. 50. Guardians of the Galaxy (2008) #18
  51. 51. Guardians of the Galaxy (2008) #19
  52. 52. Nova (2007) #29
  53. 53. Nova (2007) #30
  54. 54. Nova (2007) #31